Dear Readers,

Salam & Good day to all... I hope you'll have fun reading and probably collect something useful here. I welcome all comments & commends. Please don't be anonymous. I'd like to know my visitors :)

"La Tahzan, InnaAllaha ma'ana" (Al- Quran: Surah At- Taubah- Verse 40)
Translation: "Be not sad (or afraid), surely Allah is with us."

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." ~Edmund Burke~

'It's not what the world holds for you, but what you bring to it' ~Anne of Green Gables~

Saturday, June 06, 2009

Zubir Ali - Doa

Dalam termangu
Ku sebut namaMu
Biar susah sungguh
Mengingati Kau
Penuh seluruh

Tuhanku cahayaMu
Panas suci
Bagai kerdip lilin
Di kelam sunyi

Aku hilang bentuk
Kembara di negeri asing
PintuMu ku ketuk
Aku tak bisa berpaling

(lagu nyanyian Zubir Ali, pernah dipopularkan Aishah)

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