Dear Readers,

Salam & Good day to all... I hope you'll have fun reading and probably collect something useful here. I welcome all comments & commends. Please don't be anonymous. I'd like to know my visitors :)

"La Tahzan, InnaAllaha ma'ana" (Al- Quran: Surah At- Taubah- Verse 40)
Translation: "Be not sad (or afraid), surely Allah is with us."

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." ~Edmund Burke~

'It's not what the world holds for you, but what you bring to it' ~Anne of Green Gables~

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Energize... Transform...

These few weeks have been hectic for me... so many things to do... at the office and at home... and this will continue for a few more weeks...

Sometimes, I feel so tired I don't even realized when I fell asleep. Sometimes, I'm too tired that I cannot fall asleep. Sometimes, I'm so tired but I was too stubborn to admit it and force myself to do things that I like to do... watching tv, browsing youtube for movie trailers or songs, reading and like tonight... blogging... hihihiiii... There's a big chance I'm going to fall asleep in front of this computer...

I can be weird sometimes... no biggie :P

The thing that I like least about being tired is... I can hear myself thinking, but the thoughts were halfway. I can't express, explain or write about it. A few articles have been left hanging in draft mode and a few have been deleted.

There are times I wondered how much longer I can endure this 'low-level of energy and high-level of things to do' combination... then I look around... and I see there are some people who are in the same situation as I am and still maintain their cool...

I take them as example and I know I can and have to endure this for I cannot lose face...Heheheheeeee... sometimes pride is not a bad thing :)

You know... I have so many super-friends... as in super-friends, I mean working women who are also wives & mothers. I'm sure there are also men who are also husbands & fathers who could fall into this category, but in my case, I've seen only women...

Have you ever observe this women?

They woke up very early in the morning, preparing breakfast for the family & their children for school. Some of them cook dinner before they go to work because they are afraid they will not have enough time to do it in the evening. Work might finish late or... they might get stuck in the traffic jam.. *sigh*

In the office, they have to deal with so many challenges and stress... I don't need to explain further....

Then, they rushed home just to arrived in time for dinner... quickly microwave the foods, prepare the table... After dinner, there are dishes, pans & pots to be cleaned.

Don't forget... there is also laundry...

Plus, they need to prepare for the next day...

One question comes to my mind...

Where do they get all this energy? Some of them don't even have helpers at home. How can they be doing all this and still put on a fresh sincere smiling face?

Perhaps, this is the blessing of being a 'super woman'... Allah's gift to all women who are unselfishly sacrifice their 'me' time to make sure that their family is well taken care of.

If this is the case, I still have a longggg way to go...

But, I salute these women... I really wish that all your sacrifices are appreciated by your family...

and I pray that they will lend you a helping hand once in a while, if not always...

So... to all of us, please appreciate those that have been sacrificing themselves for us... our mothers especially... finish the load of dishes once in a while, finish the load of laundry once in a while, mop the floor once in a while... or cook for them once in a while... the act might seem little, but it sure means a lot to them...

I thank my 'super-friend' and not forgetting my 'super-mom' for being so inspiring and motivating...

Alrighty... it's now time for me to re-energize so that I can transform to a 'super-something' tomorrow... hihihiiiii...

Don't forget to brush your teeth before you go to sleep people!

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