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Salam & Good day to all... I hope you'll have fun reading and probably collect something useful here. I welcome all comments & commends. Be kind and please don't be anonymous. I'd like to know my visitors :)

"La Tahzan, InnaAllaha ma'ana" (Al- Quran: Surah At- Taubah- Verse 40)
Translation: "Be not sad (or afraid), surely Allah is with us."

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." ~Edmund Burke~

In a world where you can be anything, be kind.

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Go Jetters and Souvenir Selfie...

 Is a concept that I really like right now.

Somehow nowadays,  I'm not really fond with the idea of posing for photos. I prefer to take photos of sceneries when I travel. Plus, the aspiring landscape photographer in me hasn't been practising and is now rusty.

But I do like to take one or two group photos just to captured the memories. 

So, I really do appreciate Go Jetters and its idea of souvenir selfie. One comprehensive photo that summarized the event and captured the emotions. I should practice souvenir selfie more often.

Would you just look at how nice their photos are. 

I love the Go Jetters and Grandmaster Glitch and the Grimbots.

Four heroes always learning, there's just so much to explore! 
Go go, go go, Go Jetters.

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