Dear Readers,

Salam & Good day to all... I hope you'll have fun reading and probably collect something useful here. I welcome all comments & commends. Be kind and please don't be anonymous. I'd like to know my visitors :)

"La Tahzan, InnaAllaha ma'ana" (Al- Quran: Surah At- Taubah- Verse 40)
Translation: "Be not sad (or afraid), surely Allah is with us."

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." ~Edmund Burke~

In a world where you can be anything, be kind.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Favourite Quotes from Star Trek Enterprise


Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Bridgerton Season 3: What do you think?

I think, I'm loving the sweet love stories. Colin Bridgerton & Penelope Featherington, Francesca Bridgerton & John Kilmartin. 

Although I do not understand why each couple didn't get a season each. 

So many stories crammed into one season. Argggghhhh... messy!

So many unnecessary scenes that I don't think provide any value to the series. 

Benedict scenes... urgghhhhh... Michaela... why?!  *fed-up*

The dresses, the suits, the flowers, the settings... beautiful.

Colin in in the beginning... awkwardly flirting... ewwww... But the glow-up, wow. Then, when Colin tries to redeem his friendship with Penelope, when he is jealous, his tortured heart... him getting angry, being protective, and taking charge... loveeeeee... I feel like Colin is so innocent and forgiving. As Penelope said, he is a good man. That is so true... I almost wish that he found someone better.

Penelope glows up. Love! Is that it? What else do I love about Penelope? Hmmmm... oh yeah, I love that towards the end she finally owned up to her faults and when I finally realized that she was a very successful writer, I was inspired. However, I was unimpressed with Penelope's heavy breathing... her chest up & down non-stop, and after a few times of that, I was fed up again.

I love how Francesca & John, as introverted and quiet as they are, can still be firm and sure about what they want and not afraid to pursue their wishes.

John Kilmartin seriously can make anyone fall in love with him by just his presence.

Francesca Bridgerton can make anyone fall in love with him with her killer smile and sweet voice. And also, by that determined character of hers. Love! You go, girl!

Gosh she's beautiful! As Claudia Jessie once said to Hannah Dodd, "Have you seen you?!"

I love the mothers... Violet Bridgerton especially. How she knows her children and how her advice is always on point. Portia Featherington is no less. She works hard for her family's survival.

Mama Bridgerton always knows the right thing to say...
Mama Bridgerton always knows what's going on with her children. You're always on her radar. No need to throw tantrums...

Mommy Featherington... it's a tough world, but I'm a tough woman. An occasional headache, so what?

Eloise Bridgerton and Cressida Cowper made an unusually good friendship. I love that Eloise finally takes charge of her life and goes looking for some adventures in Scotland.

An enlightening friendship?

Eloise is off to Scotland. Benedict ought to be looking for a better adventure too. 

Lady Danbury... as smart as always. Such a philanthropist.

I slay and I know it...


“I think you should consider yourself uncommonly lucky you have never been in love.”

I was getting mad at Penelope again when Colin said this to Eloise. We still remember Theo Sharpe right. Eloise and Theo were good together. Not ideal considering the difference in their social statuses, but good, nonetheless.


My favourite ball of all. 

The Butterfly ball!

Now Varley, the bugs!


"How lucky I am to stand by your side and soak up even a little bit of your light." 

"If my only purpose in life is to love a woman as great as you, then I will be a very fulfilled man indeed."

You are a very good man Mr. Bridgerton.
Yes you areeeee...


Arghhhh... this Colin Bridgerton guy is making us set unrealistic expectations again. 

But is expecting a man to be a good man, unrealistic? Not at all 💖

Wishing all of us looking for true love, a true love. 💋 

Until next time!

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Lukola theme song

I know they already have their song. But this song keeps playing in my brain every time I see them together. *** I'm not hopping off this delulu train anytime soon ***

💘We Could Be in Love💘

🎤 Brad Kane and Lea Salonga

Be still my heart
Lately, its mind is all its own
It would go far and wide
Just to be near you

Even the stars, shining up bright
I've noticed when you're close to me    
Still it remains a mystery.
Anyone who's seen us
Knows what's goin' on between us
It doesn't take a genius
To read between the lines
And it's not just wishful thinking
Or only me who's dreaming
I know what these are symptoms of
We could be in love.
I ask myself why
I sleep like a baby through the night
Maybe it helps to know
You'll be there tomorrow

Don't open my eyes
I'll wake from the spell I'm under
Makes me wonder how (tell me how)
I could live without you now.
And what about the laughter
The happy ever after?
Like voices of sweet angels
Calling out our names
And it's not just wishful thinking
Or only me who's dreaming
I know what these are symptoms of
We could be in love.
All my life, I have dreamed of this
But I could not see your face
Don't ask why two such distant stars
Can fall right into place.
And it's not just wishful thinking
Or only me who's dreaming
I know what these are symptoms of
We could be in love.

Kuch kuch hota hai... you bet 😉

Monday, May 13, 2024

Bridgerton: Polin or Lukola?

Ok, so four more days before Bridgerton season 3 starts on Netflix. I'm so excited but trying to keep my chill and contain the excitement. Trying unsuccessfully...  

Right now, I need to let these thoughts off my brain...  So, hop on my train and join me on my ride to delulu land.

Since season 1, Penelope and Eloise have been my favourite characters. The best friends who were always there for each other. Eloise is so gorgeous and rebellious; Penelope is so cute and innocent. Both are equally smart. I love that!

Rebellious and innocent 😍

I don't really care for the Bridgerton brothers. I'm not denying the fact that they are all really good-looking. But then, all of the Bridgerton siblings are blessed with good looks and good fortune.

However, since season 1, we've seen something going on between Penelope and Colin. The longing looks between them. How Penelope always cared about Colin and how Colin always protected Penelope. I was hoping for Penelope and Colin to become something more and at the same time realize that they were somehow not ready for that 'something more'.

I'm just noticing that. How did the writers do that? I'm amazed... 

I've got you Pen. Don't you worry about a thing...

The end of season 2 revealed that Penelope is Lady Whistledown (whatttttt???!!!) and Colin said 'I would never dream of courting Penelope Featherington' (Colin! How could you?!)

Can you imagine my excitement when I found out that season three is about Penelope and Colin? 
It's finally time for Pen to rise and for Colin to suffer a tiny little bit for what he said. Heheheee...

I hope season 3 is the time for Penelope to shine, not hold back, to pursue and create her own happily ever after. 

I hope season 3 is also the time for Colin to find whatever he is searching for because since season one he looks like he's been searching for something. 

I'm also hoping that Colin will finally 'find' Penelope in season 3. Poor Pen... Holding in all that feeling. And what a loss for Colin if he couldn't find the happiness that could have been his.

Your dreams are grander than you let on...
My purpose shall set me free... 
You cared for me. You would never forsake me...

So many things going on in one scene. 
Truly, matters of the heart cannot be seen by the eyes.

I've read Julia Quinn's Bridgerton books, but I don't think I've read 'Romancing Mr. Bridgerton'. I didn't know this book was about Penelope & Colin. If I did, I would have grabbed and read the book since Bridgerton first came out on Netflix. 

But, now that season 3 is coming out soon, it's too late for me to read the book. I don't want the book to ruin the suspense of season 3. So, I will just wait here patiently for the day to come.

Pursuing a purpose, together 😍

There are a lot of PRs going on promoting season 3. Nicola Coughlan (Penelope Featherington) & Luke Newton (Colin Bridgerton) are all over social media. And oh em geeeee... 

They both looked so good, individually and together. Most of the time, they look unbelievably good & too comfortable together. Their chemistry and friendship brought smiles to my face and cheered up my dull days. Looking at them as an outsider, I couldn't help thinking that there is something more and deeper feelings than friendship between them. Seems like season 3 is both 'Polin' and 'Lukola' stories! How wonderful!

I'm pretty sure, we, the fans who are all aboard riding this delulu train are hoping hard for 'Lukola' to 'find' each other. Just like Polin! 

We can only hope & wish. And pray. Sometimes, wishes do come true. 

In the meantime, I keep 'Lukola' in this delulu land coz in delulu land, magic happens, and dreams come true, and couples who are supposed to be together are married and live happily ever after.

That's what we wish for 'Lukola'. But of course, we still will support them in whatever 'kaibigan' that they wish to be.

Be still my heart... Which kind of 'kaibigan' is this? 

Gosh, I'm deep in delulu land. Why not?! In delulu land, everything is trululu.

Ok enough... bye. I can't differentiate Polin vs Lukola anymore. Not sure which one I ship harder. Hahahaaaa...

I really hope season 3 will not let us down and will live up to the hype of all these PRs. 

May you both find your happily ever after. Hopefully, with each other... 💝 

I sign off skipping further into delulu land. 

See y'all soon!

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Go Jetters and Souvenir Selfie...

 Is a concept that I really like right now.

Somehow nowadays,  I'm not really fond with the idea of posing for photos. I prefer to take photos of sceneries when I travel. Plus, the aspiring landscape photographer in me hasn't been practising and is now rusty.

But I do like to take one or two group photos just to captured the memories. 

So, I really do appreciate Go Jetters and its idea of souvenir selfie. One comprehensive photo that summarized the event and captured the emotions. I should practice souvenir selfie more often.

Would you just look at how nice their photos are. 

I love the Go Jetters and Grandmaster Glitch and the Grimbots.

Four heroes always learning, there's just so much to explore! 
Go go, go go, Go Jetters.

Wednesday, November 02, 2022

It's been too long...

It's been 7 years since I last wrote here... can you believe it? 7 years!

I wonder if people still read blogs nowadays... hmmm... 

In the last 7 years, I believe people have moved to other social media platforms. Blogs may not be relevant anymore. Nowadays, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok have taken over. Not forgetting Facebook and some other apps that I know nothing about. 

So, here I am, contemplating whether I should start writing here again. I've failed at so many attempts before this. The willpower is so weak, the heart is tired, the brain is cloudy, and the ideas are blocked. The words are all jumbled up in my mind and there is no excitement. 

The state of heart & mind... have been like this for a longggg time.

But now, somehow the writer in me is getting restless. It had stayed dormant for so long... tied up in a dimly lit room, surrounded by thick tall walls. It's time for it to be free, to come out and face the world. Suddenly, the writer remembers the happiness of writing. 

There are so many things that have been left unsaid... It's time to clear out all the spider webs in this room.

I'll start writing again. I will fight the pressure to stay under my 'coconut shell'. It doesn't matter if no one reads this blog, it only matters that I keep on writing. There is joy in written words, and I hope to spread that joy. 

I'll see y'all in my next post. Stay tuned!

Monday, November 02, 2015

A beautiful day in KL...

My besties & I joined The Fabulous KL foodhunt last Saturday. It was fun to run around Kuala Lumpur, finding food to eat. I was lucky enough to get to eat a delicious Nasi Kukus Ayam Dara at Taman Melati. The dish was so yummy, I was sad that I had to eat it during a competition *sigh*.

Anyway, I actually want to share some beautiful photos of Kuala Lumpur that I captured on that day. KL was really beautiful since the early light until the late evening. I'm so glad that I was outside enjoying the beauty of it all...

Haze has subsided & the rain has become a frequent visitor this time of year... The sky is now cleared, the colour so blue not grey, it's mesmerizing. The sun can be stinging hot just before the cooling rain... 

My favorite view has always been the morning sky after the rainy night... 

All photos by me! Taken using Asus Zenfon2 with a bit of Instagram tweaking :)