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"La Tahzan, InnaAllaha ma'ana" (Al- Quran: Surah At- Taubah- Verse 40)
Translation: "Be not sad (or afraid), surely Allah is with us."

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." ~Edmund Burke~

In a world where you can be anything, be kind.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Bridgerton Season 3: What do you think?

I think, I'm loving the sweet love stories. Colin Bridgerton & Penelope Featherington, Francesca Bridgerton & John Kilmartin. 

Although I do not understand why each couple didn't get a season each. 

So many stories crammed into one season. Argggghhhh... messy!

So many unnecessary scenes that I don't think provide any value to the series. 

Benedict scenes... urgghhhhh... Michaela... why?!  *fed-up*

The dresses, the suits, the flowers, the settings... beautiful.

Colin in in the beginning... awkwardly flirting... ewwww... But the glow-up, wow. Then, when Colin tries to redeem his friendship with Penelope, when he is jealous, his tortured heart... him getting angry, being protective, and taking charge... loveeeeee... I feel like Colin is so innocent and forgiving. As Penelope said, he is a good man. That is so true... I almost wish that he found someone better.

Penelope glows up. Love! Is that it? What else do I love about Penelope? Hmmmm... oh yeah, I love that towards the end she finally owned up to her faults and when I finally realized that she was a very successful writer, I was inspired. However, I was unimpressed with Penelope's heavy breathing... her chest up & down non-stop, and after a few times of that, I was fed up again.

I love how Francesca & John, as introverted and quiet as they are, can still be firm and sure about what they want and not afraid to pursue their wishes.

John Kilmartin seriously can make anyone fall in love with him by just his presence.

Francesca Bridgerton can make anyone fall in love with him with her killer smile and sweet voice. And also, by that determined character of hers. Love! You go, girl!

Gosh she's beautiful! As Claudia Jessie once said to Hannah Dodd, "Have you seen you?!"

I love the mothers... Violet Bridgerton especially. How she knows her children and how her advice is always on point. Portia Featherington is no less. She works hard for her family's survival.

Mama Bridgerton always knows the right thing to say...
Mama Bridgerton always knows what's going on with her children. You're always on her radar. No need to throw tantrums...

Mommy Featherington... it's a tough world, but I'm a tough woman. An occasional headache, so what?

Eloise Bridgerton and Cressida Cowper made an unusually good friendship. I love that Eloise finally takes charge of her life and goes looking for some adventures in Scotland.

An enlightening friendship?

Eloise is off to Scotland. Benedict ought to be looking for a better adventure too. 

Lady Danbury... as smart as always. Such a philanthropist.

I slay and I know it...


“I think you should consider yourself uncommonly lucky you have never been in love.”

I was getting mad at Penelope again when Colin said this to Eloise. We still remember Theo Sharpe right. Eloise and Theo were good together. Not ideal considering the difference in their social statuses, but good, nonetheless.


My favourite ball of all. 

The Butterfly ball!

Now Varley, the bugs!


"How lucky I am to stand by your side and soak up even a little bit of your light." 

"If my only purpose in life is to love a woman as great as you, then I will be a very fulfilled man indeed."

You are a very good man Mr. Bridgerton.
Yes you areeeee...


Arghhhh... this Colin Bridgerton guy is making us set unrealistic expectations again. 

But is expecting a man to be a good man, unrealistic? Not at all 💖

Wishing all of us looking for true love, a true love. 💋 

Until next time!