Dear Readers,

Salam & Good day to all... I hope you'll have fun reading and probably collect something useful here. I welcome all comments & commends. Please don't be anonymous. I'd like to know my visitors :)

"La Tahzan, InnaAllaha ma'ana" (Al- Quran: Surah At- Taubah- Verse 40)
Translation: "Be not sad (or afraid), surely Allah is with us."

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." ~Edmund Burke~

'It's not what the world holds for you, but what you bring to it' ~Anne of Green Gables~

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Memorable Ulsan & Busan

Anyeong hai seyo!

I was only in Ulsan for 4 days... and a few hours in Busan... but, I can honestly tell you that it was a memorable experience.

I went to Ulsan for work of course, for Ulsan is an industrial city, not so much of a tourist spot. When I was in Seoul, I was not very impressed with the city because I think it is almost the same with KL (I believe a lot of people disagree... but hey, this is my personal opinion. I'm entitled to it *wink*)

But when I get to Ulsan and went around the city... I was so impressed. The petrochemical complex in Ulsan is huge! Nothing compared to the one we have in Malaysia.

I was especially impressed with Hae-un dae shipyard. OMG! Truly impressive.
Picture from the internet

My trip to Busan was really a short one but enough to make my mouth opened- wide at the sight of Busan from the Rainbow bridge. I was in a moving car and the night was dark... so I didn't take any picture. But the sight was like the picture below.

Rainbow Bridge is the one on the far top left.
Picture from the internet

So, what made my trip to Ulsan and Busan so memorable?

It was the PEOPLE there... I met so many nice people in Ulsan and two very nice ladies in Busan. Those in Ulsan are my Korean colleagues and the two in Busan are the friends of Mr. Heo who cooked very delicious Korean Curry *nyum nyum*... massissayo!

My colleagues in Ulsan are mostly guys... engineers, technicians and chemists. Somehow I'm in charge of a system modules where the users most of the times are guys :) There are pros & cons... but so far, I've seen more pros than cons. Fortunately for me, they are nice guys. So, when I was in Ulsan, there were definitely more pros... lucky me!

Mr. Park & Mr. Lee took me to a Korean Seafood Restaurant (a pork free restaurant in case you wonder). So I got to taste a few of traditional Korean foods, including the famous Kimchi... My favourite was Al-bab rice... so yummy! Cho aiyo!

Thank you Mr. Park & Mr. Lee!

Al-bab rice... like the one I enjoyed... minus the egg yolk...
Picture from the internet

If I didn't meet all the nice people in Ulsan & Busan, I'm pretty sure my trip would have been a plain one. So, I'm really really grateful that our paths crossed even for just a few days... or a few hours. Because of the pleasant encounters, I wouldn't mind going to Ulsan again :)

So, please remember to be nice to everyone we meet because we never know what kind of impact we might have on them...

I always smile whenever I remembered my business trip there... so nice...

Not to forget, my big thank you to Mr. Heo for driving me around... showing me the place... he even braved the extremely, icier than ice, cold winter night at the beach just because that one crazy lady insisted to visit that place... heheheeee... You must be very proud of your country... and the drive to/from Busan was so much fun! :)

You'll make a good tour guide Mr. Heo... *wink wink*

Please enjoy some photos of Ulsan and some misc photos that I took during my trip...

Petrochemical complex in Ulsan

Winter Nights & Days...



Cikja Bahari said...

Never 'buhsan' reading ur blog lar nom.. heheheh

The Sometimes Speechless said...

I lap u cikja... :)

Anonymous said...

i'm study in daegu which is also near with ulsan. but insyaAllah will goin to ulsan to further my study at UNIST. pray for me because i'm a malaysian too.:)

The Sometimes Speechless said...

Suzaimi, I pray for you! Study smart & hard. Don't lose yourself & make us proud! :)